Gruoch, Macbeth, Barclay, and Melville in Copper Green
Myth Collection
Riveted Cauldron
Often highly decorated and valued, cauldrons have historically been associated with people or places. Bronzino riveted cauldrons (made by us for over 17 years) have been named after a few legendary scoundrels from the North East of Scotland.
The garden designer Gertrude Jekyll was one of the first in modern times to use cauldrons as planters. Our cauldrons have been positioned in gardens around the world, offering a contemporary take on Jekyll’s ideas.
- Barclay
- W 900 × H 660 mm
W 35.4 × H 26.0 in.
- Melville
- W 660 × H 560 mm
W 26.0 × H 22.1 in.
- Ogston
- W 620 × H 560 mm
W 24.4 × H 22.1 in.
- Macbeth
- W 460 × H 460 mm
W 18.1 × H 18.1 in.
- Gruoch
- W 410 × H 410 mm
W 16.1 × H 16.1 in.
- Hecate
- W 400 × H 1000mm
W 15.75 × H 39.4 in.